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Name: Mama Rashel
From: Karawang, ID
About me:Hai..silahkan menikmati cuap2 Mama & Rashel ..eh kali ini emaknya dulu dink secara acel alias cecel alias cece - nya blon begitu mahir berceloteh :p eh papa rudy ikotan jg donk disebut2 kita pan satu paket :p





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    Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
    Thursday, June 29, 2006

    1st posting euy...

    Cilukkkk..baaaaa....setelah 4,5 bulan..tepatnya lebid 1 hari..jadilah blog Rashel. Pengin cerita niy perkembangan keseharian Rashel..jadi semangat deuy.. posting foto2 si kecil yang udah menumpuk dikomputer papa Rudy.

    Dyah Astiek posted at 4:35 PM


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I need a new account. xD My name's Jennifer, I like Disney Channel (haha), Modern Family, birthday's June 13, I LOVE music, I love boys.. LMAO I have noo idea what to say. xD Any ideas? Or good combinations, for example (name)(birthday) = username.. idk help plz? :)


    1:40 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    everybody has there display name in a cool font and i dont know how to get that

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    2:57 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    this problem has me baffled, for some reason, if I hold a key on my keyboard longer than a split second, it sticks on screen! example: jjjjjjjjjj I held the J key down for a split second... it is not a problem with the keyboard, because I can type normally, just if i press backspace to delete some text, it continues, instead of stopping where I let off of the key. can anyone help me? Thanx in advance!

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    8:08 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I have a HP Compaq Presario V2000. But when I search the Internet, it's actually have so many types of V2000, and I don't know which type is my computer. The name of my motherboard is Hewlett-Packard Presario V2000 (RD931PA#UUF), which is shown by Everest Ultimate. Can you please find out what is the type pf my computer please?

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    10:29 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    My daughter is on my facebook account. When she adds ALL of her friends that she has ever met , Facebook makes suggestions on my page. I do NOT want to see this and I do NOT want suggestions to add them because we might have a " mutual friend" how do I make facebook stop suggestions ( on the RIGHT side of my facebook page ) for my daughters friends on My PAGE Thanks in advance,


    7:48 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I have a requirement to create a document (not a web page - it's effectively an email) and then paste it as HTML into an application. I may be being utterly thick about this, but I can't work out how on earth I am supposed to do it. MS Word offers the ability to "Save As" as a web page, but I want to be able to paste in all the HTML commands (or whatever they are called - I really am being very un-technie about this) so that the application creates my email for me. My apologies once again for being a dunderhead, but do I need some sort of HTML editing software to do this? Or something else? Help!


    6:01 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Ive' tried and failed. Please tell me how or give a me a link please.


    2:58 PM

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    9:33 PM


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